Mejora la apariencia densa de tu cabello, su suavidad y brillo resplandeciente con esta Receta Tradicional Ayurvédica, Intensa, 2-en-1 que te trae todo el poder de las hierbas por excelencia para revivir la apariencia del cabello Bhringaraj y hierbas naturalmente humectatnes como el Loto Sagrado ... directo a tu cuero cabelludo en sólo unos minutos!
¡Este aceite con su encantador ámbar hará que cada día se sienta como un fin de semanapara tu cabello!
Basta de hablar de problemas y hablemos de soluciones... ¿Imaginas si pudieras usar una preparación para el cabello tradicional 100% natural que deja tu cabello desenredado, acondicionado, aterciopelado, suave y delicioso? Tal vez haya una manera de obtener todos estos resultados con la ayuda efectiva de la naturaleza y el conocimiento antiguo.
¿Recuerdas esos toboganes en el patio de recreo cuando eras niño? ¿Recuerdas cómo a veces te quedabas atascado en el medio si el deslizamiento no era lo suficientemente bueno?
Ahora imagina tu mano haciendo lo mismo con tu cabello, tratando de deslizarse en él pero fallando, ¡porque tus dedos se atascan!
¡Ahí es cuando te das cuenta de lo seco, rebelde y áspero que puede estar tu cabello!
Un producto que realmente satisface los requisitos de cuidado del cabello no solo te liberará de la suciedad sino que escuchará a tu cabello cuando anhele suavidad, humectación y un hábitat general de paz y apoyo. Un buen producto debe optimizar el cuero cabelludo, y mejorar la sedosidad para que tu cabello y cuero cabelludo se vean vivos, suaves y lisos al mismo tiempo.
Si bien somos una parte integral de cualquier régimen de cuidado de la piel, muchos de nosotros tendemos a olvidar que nuestra cabeza anhela la humedad tanto como nuestro cuerpo.
La única parte viva de nuestro cabello, los folículos dentro del cuero cabelludo, se convierten en mechones largos y brillantes si los cuidamos manteniéndolos bien cuidados con el poder de la naturaleza.
Si profundizamos en lo que nuestro cabello necesita para brillar, para que nuestros dedos se deslicen sin problemas a través de ellos, DEBEMOS saber cómo funciona la hidratación. Ahora bien, esto se puede lograr bebiendo mucha agua como medida obvia.
¿Pero qué más mantendrá encerrada la humedad natural de tu cuero cabelludo? ¿Quién será tu guardia contra el medio ambiente seco y contaminado?
Un aceite capilar cuidadosamente cocinado rico en nutrientes y con una consistencia equilibrada, como el enfoque que hemos adoptado para crear el aceite capilar Saromyas para ti.
No se detendrá justo después de acondicionar tu cabello desde el exterior. Con su consistencia ligera y su fuerte impacto, se abrirá paso en tus poros sin obstruirlos y brindará una sensación de paz en todo tu ser, a través de las raíces del árbol que es tu cuerpo.
Digamos que tu cuero cabelludo está completamente hidratado y se siente humectado ahora. ¿Que sigue? Bueno, es el proceso de limpieza. La humedad no es lo único que adorna tu cabello con un aspecto delicioso. También necesitan el apoyo de la naturaleza ...
¡El cabello debe limpiarse a fondo para que brille la humedad y el aspecto completo!
Con todo lo que se dedica al cuidado del cabello en estos días, a través de spas, champús, geles o mascarillas, el cabello anhela una rutina de cuidado del cabello que tenga la pureza de ingredientes 100% naturales.
¡Un frasco para el cuidado del cabello que puede limpiar naturalmente el cuero cabelludo y la melena de cualquier suciedad o depósitos es un guardián! ¿Y qué mejor que el Ayurveda cuando se trata de limpeza?
Una forma fácil de canalizar los dones de la naturaleza es a través de los aceites capilares ayurvédicos como Saromyas.
Hemos potenciado el aceite capilar de la forma más tradicional posible, sumergiéndolo en la bondad de Bhringraj como la hierba clave, también conocida como "Rey del cabello".
Saromyas es la forma refinada y más potente del valor herbáceo que ofrece Bhringraj para el cabello.
La hierba tiene muchos beneficios, pero entre ellos, el más buscado es su capacidad para ayudar al cabello a recuperar visiblemente la juventud y la textura original y deliciosa con una sensación voluminosa y jovial.
Saroma en sánscrito significa cabello, ¡y así es como se originó la nomenclatura de Saromyas!
Y esta hierba no actúa sola. Hemos preparado un platillo integral para que tu cabello sonríe y haga alarde de sí mismo, sin importar el clima, el día ni la hora.
This blush colored flora is a perfect ingredient for any hair care bottle if it knows how to utilize its delicate, sumptuous power. Saromyas uses this power of wild berries to impart its coolant properties into the hair and head.
Along with its pacifying nature and relaxation effect, it has a sweet scent that will send your mind into a state of dreamy Himalayan ecstasy.
Vetiver is a needle shaped grass that spreads its rich green-woody, nut-like odor wherever placed. And when it is blended to concoct a potent potion for hair, it subtly pours its earthiness into the mix to embed swirling fragrances into the hair.
It also helps in pacifying and cooling the bodily senses through traditional uses of hair oils which incorporate Vetiver.
Also known as Kanchini, meaning something that gives shine in Sanskrit, is a renowned herb in the realm of Ayurveda. When infused in hair care oils, it becomes extra generous and offers multi-faceted range of benefits like luster to the hair, cleansing of scalp by banishing dead-looking skin and dryness, and smoothing the surface for ultra-impactful hair rejuvenation. It also acts as a balancing herb by regulating the natural moisture produced by the deeper layers of the scalp.
Another native identity given to this herb is ‘Sthiraraga’, meaning to keep the color stable.
In the world of hair care, where urbanization and environmental degradation has taken a toll on everything from hair texture to quality, Daruharidra is that helping hand that can sort these issues and give a fuller, consistent aura to your hair.
The ruby charm of this herb is not just aesthetically enticing, but is also astute in tackling the icky, annoying feeling of the scalp. If your hair is unable to get rid of a stench from a product, or simply pollutants, this is your herb, for it will send all these bad odors into exile for good.
The herb owes its name to the filament of this flower having a snake-like appearance, as ‘Naga’ in native tongue means ‘Snake’. Another common name for this herb is ‘Saffron Cobra’!
Remember all the talk of moisturisation and how your hair needs to remain moisturised? This is one of the key herbs that helps the hair achieve that goal.
It locks the water content inside your scalp to zoom-in the power of hydration. Without it, all the moisture might just be stolen by the (sometimes) brutal atmosphere around you!
This blush colored flora is a perfect ingredient for any hair care bottle if it knows how to utilize its delicate, sumptuous power. Saromyas uses this power of wild berries to impart its coolant properties into the hair and head.
Along with its pacifying nature and relaxation effect, it has a sweet scent that will send your mind into a state of dreamy Himalayan ecstasy.
Vetiver is a needle shaped grass that spreads its rich green-woody, nut-like odor wherever placed. And when it is blended to concoct a potent potion for hair, it subtly pours its earthiness into the mix to embed swirling fragrances into the hair.
It also helps in pacifying and cooling the bodily senses through traditional uses of hair oils which incorporate Vetiver.
Also known as Kanchini, meaning something that gives shine in Sanskrit, is a renowned herb in the realm of Ayurveda. When infused in hair care oils, it becomes extra generous and offers multi-faceted range of benefits like luster to the hair, cleansing of scalp by banishing dead-looking skin and dryness, and smoothing the surface for ultra-impactful hair rejuvenation.
It also acts as a balancing herb by regulating the natural moisture produced by the deeper layers of the scalp
Another native identity given to this herb is ‘Sthiraraga’, meaning to keep the color stable.
In the world of hair care, where urbanization and environmental degradation has taken a toll on everything from hair texture to quality, Daruharidra is that helping hand that can sort these issues and give a fuller, consistent aura to your hair.
The ruby charm of this herb is not just aesthetically enticing, but is also astute in tackling the icky, annoying feeling of the scalp. If your hair is unable to get rid of a stench from a product, or simply pollutants, this is your herb, for it will send all these bad odors into exile for good.
The herb owes its name to the filament of this flower having a snake-like appearance, as ‘Naga’ in native tongue means ‘Snake’. Another common name for this herb is ‘Saffron Cobra’!
Remember all the talk of moisturization and how your hair needs to remain moisturized? This is one of the key herbs that helps the hair achieve that goal.
It locks the water content inside your scalp to zoom-in the power of hydration. Without it, all the moisture might just be stolen by the (sometimes) brutal atmosphere around you!
Full list of ingredients
Sesame Seed Oil [Sesamum Indicum], False Daisy [Eclipta Alba], Indian Madder [Rubia Cordifolia], Wild Himalayan Cherry [Prunus Cerasoides], Symplocos Tree [Symplocos Racemosa], Vetiver Grass [Vetiveria Zizanioides), Country Mallow [Abutilon Indicum], Turmeric [Curcuma Longa], Indian Barberry [Berberis Aristata], Indian Rose Chestnut [Mesua Ferrea], Large Leaf Beauty Berry [Callicarpa Macrophylla], Licorice [Glycyrrhiza Glabra], Sacred Lotus [Nelumbo Nucifera], Indian Sarsaparilla [Hemidesmus Indicus], Essential oils of Gardenia [Gardenia Jasminoides] and Rose [Rosa Damascena].
How to use Saromyas:
Warm the oil by placing the bottle in a bowl of hot water.
Apply the oil on your entire scalp, using your fingers, going through partings one by one. Massage the oil well into your scalp for a few minutes using the palms and fingertips with as much oil or as little oil as desired.
Leave it on for at least 20 minutes before shampooing your hair.
Can be left longer if desired. Do not leave applied overnight - this oil may stain your sheets.
Use 2-3 times a week.
"Really amazed"
I had ordered this product several months ago but had only used it once or twice. Then I had a hair catastrophe. I put hair color on my head and lost track of the time. It was fried. Pieces broke off. It was bad. I dug this out and slathered it on, and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up with my hair greased onto my head and took a shower. I was blown away. My hair, while still damaged and a horrible color, was actually soft and it shined.. Ive used it every night, only washing my hair every other day, for the last month...
- Gina L. about Ambhring Age Embrace Revitalizer and Hair Oil
"New to the Ayurveda experience"
Every day I see a little more - I am so pleased. Also I am 77 yo and have used every product (practically) on the market, never to see the results they promise. This body oil and the day and night oils are amazing. My skin on my arms is looking so much better and my legs - wow - I have a lot of sun damage and it really is helping. I love these products and will continue to use them. Thank you.
- Lynn M. about iYURA products
"So Impressed"
I am loving this oil. I had switched from a wonderful organic hair care line to one that promised to promote hair growth. Instead my scalp become horribly dry and my hair started falling out in clumps. I went back to my original hair care line and then added in this oil. It’s only been 2 weeks and my scalp is SO much better already. I use this 2 times a week, putting it on before bed and washing my hair the next morning. It isn’t hard to wash out at all which surprised me. I was afraid I’d have to shampoo so much that I’d lose all the benefits of the oil treatment but that is not the case. My hair loss is slowing down so I’m hopeful it can be reversed. I did cut about 8 inches off so it would be easier and less pulling when I brush it. As a bonus, this oil smells great too, not overpowering which is great, as some smells trigger an allergic reaction. Even my husband loves the scent. I don’t think I will ever be without this.
- Red B. about Rukshadi Dry Hair and Scalp Nectar
I love the oil it replaces my expensive $360 Brazilian Hair Treatment.
- Lavina Q. about Rukshadi Dry Hair and Scalp Nectar
Champi or “Shiro Abhyanga”is a simple tradition in the books of Ayurveda that has kept many women beautiful through the shine in their hair and vigor in their scalp, for thousands of years.
At first look, it appears to be just a head and neck massage, but the key difference between a modern head massage and Shiro Abhyanga is the authenticity and potency incorporated in traditional Ayurvedic massages through herb-infused hair oils and potions.
Champi or “Shiro Abhyanga” is a simple tradition in the books of Ayurveda that has kept many women beautiful through the shine in their hair and vigor in their scalp, for thousands of years.
At first look, it appears to be just a head and neck massage, but the key difference between a modern head massage and Shiro Abhyanga is the authenticity and potency incorporated in traditional Ayurvedic massages through herb-infused hair oils.
When Ayurvedic oils, cooked under specific conditions to balance the nature of your hair, are combined with this ancient tradition of Champi, the impact is doubled. The process doesn’t just visually boost the vitality of your hair but also helps align your upper body chakras that welcome more peace and harmony into your life, through that calm feeling and positivity haloing your head.
And to achieve all this, Shiro Abhyanga is recommended to be performed regularly, with the right Ayurvedic oils that suit the needs of the individual. In fact, ‘Tila Tailam’ or commonly known as Sesame Oil, also used by Saromyas, is revered as one of the foremost oils to be picked by default in a formula, when it comes to hair and scalp related matters.
In a traditional Ayurvedic Champi, the starting point of the massage is the crown of the head. Depending on various factors included in Ayurvedic texts, the temperature of the oil is controlled for best results and total rejuvenation. After placing the oil at the crown of the head and massaging it, the fingertips then branch out to other areas of the head in specialized strokes and techniques.
In ancient Indian texts, head is considered to be the superior part of the body as Ayurveda sees a human body as an inverted tree. This means that the head region, including the hair and scalp form the roots of a body, not just physically, but on a spiritual realm as well.
For this very reason, the head is to be cared for like you would, for the roots of your plants in a garden green with life and vigor. And the deed to take care of the roots of your body is very simple.
Just like plants need water as one of their prime resources to flower, our head needs heedfully blended oil formulations that will penetrate deep inside the pores and pass on the nutrients with their potency intact!
Five Ways to Upcycle / Repurpose Saromyas’ Artistic Packaging
If something so aesthetically pleasing can be repurposed or upcycled, why throw it away?
Here are some tips on how you can reuse or modify Saromyas’ (or any other iYURA containers for that matter) beautiful packaging and introduce exotic beauty into your everyday life.
Elegant Storage Tubes for jewelry and more: Imagine how luxuriously your pretty earrings, lockets, bracelets would sit like spilt beauty in this vibrant box of artwork.
Make it your pen and stationery holder for a fancy home office space so you can work in style!
Drive household utility with attractive DIY coasters for casual beverages or pots for indoor plants
Facilitate fragrances like incense sticks and candles, or a perfume bottle holder for boundless aesthetics.
Turn them into sophisticated gift containers for loved ones. Decorate it with ribbons and hearts all you like!
Did you know? In Sanskrit, ‘Sarom’ stands for Hair
An unparalleled traditional formulation, Saromyas brings to you the clarifying, boosting, moisture-enriching qualities of unique Ayurvedic herbs. The perfect oil for anyone looking for just the right amount of moisture, a pure scalp and revitalized energy in the way the hair looks and feels.
"Best product that I have tried!"
I've purchased 3 Ayurveda products and am extremely happy with the results of all of them.
- Sandy R.
"Love this product!"
I have been beyond impressed with this company and this product. I love the way my skin looks and feels after using it. I no longer use foundation...just a bit of concealer. After a lifetime of being self-conscious about my complexion, this product has made such a welcome change!
- Jill T.
"Very pleased with these oils."
I’ve been in the skincare industry for over 20 years and I’m really seeing a difference in my skin and so are my clients!"
- Jenifer G.
"Almost 60 and these products have been Life Changing!"
This is with out a doubt the best product I have ever used. Iyura Oils and they are incredible. I wake up with soft smooth skin. This line of products is excellent everything I have tried has amazing results. For all those who are skeptical about oils, Please give these products a try especially those with sensitive skin!
- Donna W.