Nowadays however, overexposure to new-fangled products, containing the latest “active ingredient” or “wonder-molecule” and salon therapies such as Keratin treatments, Hair colouring, Glossing; bleach or chemical driven hair treatments such as Balayage, Ombré or Dip-dye; heat styling devices such as flat irons, crimpling irons, hair straighteners etc. …all are used to help achieve a desired Look. After a while, this however leaves us often with more new ‘hair’ – issues than we had before: frizzy hair, hair fall, unusual hair dryness, brittle hair or hair that begins to look lifeless or limp.
How should I ‘fix’ or ‘undo’ the hair damage caused by my last hair coloring treatment?
How can I make my hair look more alive? Fuller?
My hair feels so frizzy and light… the slightest movement makes it fly all over the place!
Dry and itchy scalp! I can’t stop scratching and messing with my head… and uuff, the flakes under my fingernails!
My hair seems so dull and limp! How can I make it silky & bouncy?
How to get that 80’s volume back in my hair? And yet make my strands look shiny and beautiful?
My hair looks and feels so damaged, dry & brittle! What do I do to restore some suppleness and bounce?
… and the woeful list of these ‘hairy’ tales goes on a quite a bit.
The global hair care industry ranks just behind the skin care industry in size
(75.06 in comparison to 133.9 billion USD in 2020 )! And just as the skincare industry, the haircare industry loves giving you piecemeal solutions.
With such a plethora of
hair-care issues, and with each being dissected, further sub-divided, and vague scientific data presented to us laymen, we forget to look for the larger cause of all these problems.
Looking for a comprehensive solution to
modern day hair issues becomes confusing when observing each issue through an isolated lens. To find a sustainable, inclusive solution to hair problems of today, it is important to have a
holistic approach while searching for an answer. In ancient India, the approach to hair care was all-encompassing and holistic.
We discovered a time-tested answer regarding the question on achieving complete & holistic
haircare recorded in the
ancient writings of Ayurveda.
According to Ayurveda, wellness depends upon the
balance among body, mind, and spirit. This balance is uniquely dependent upon the mix of nutrition provided to your body via food, water, and air.
Consequently, hair as well as its care also depends upon providing the hair with the right kind of nutrition. Nutrition to balance bonding between constituting elements,
strengthen the defences of hair and boost its ability to fight back any external causes of hair damage.
Through many millennia of observation, meditation, and research Ayurveda was able to identify and isolate various natural nutrition sources that compliment hair growth, and function as protectors against the uncertainties of the environment around us.
Some ancient civilizations had become familiar with the secrets of strong and resilient hair growth. These civilizations lived in harmony with the world around them as well as their environment. They were able to discover the precise supports and methods that nature had created for its own sustenance and harness this power to promote human well-being.
Ever noticed how suddenly chemical haircare brands are making "Bonding Oils" and "Hair Growth Oils"?
That's because they've finally taken cue from civilizations with beautiful, healthy hair. But there's one thing they're still doing wrong.
They don't understand the nuances and the ancient science behind oils.
Simple argan oil or almond oil with some added tocopherol or even chemicals IS NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY HAIR.
Ayurveda, being a millennia-old holistic science, has spent literally centuries testing all different kinds of oils and ingredients to find the most potent and powerful combinations.
By studying the synergy of NATURAL ingredients, how they react with each other and their wholesome effect on hair and skin, Ayurveda has been able to create some of the most nourishing and effective formulations in the world.
Unfortunately, these secrets have been hidden from us in the West for centuries.
Through close observation of & meditation on our natural habitat as well as the natural phenomena in it; through analysis of the composition and working of our world – plants, forests, animals, fish, birds, the land - Ayurveda was able to discover that one of the main nourishment carriers of nature, after water and blood, is oil.
In fact, nature uses various types of oils in the final stage to distribute nourishment to the various body parts of all carbon-based life. Oils help absorb and transport fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, K and E.
This is, therefore, the examined reason for Ayurveda’s choice of carrier – natural oil – for the transport of nutrients to the human skin and hair.
This enables easier absorption and assimilation of nutrients.
Ayurveda, literally ‘Science of Life’, is a holistic science of well-being. That for your hair translates into a 360° approach that provides your hair the needed nourishment to make it supple and lush.
Since time immemorial, Ayurveda has studied the synergy and interconnectedness of environment with the human body & mind. Ayurveda is a holistic science, having a deep reverence for the natural relationships and interconnections ever-present in the web of life.
Ayurveda leverages its holistic understanding of this ‘natural’ interconnectedness to help humans find resolutions for issues of mind and body
Every day each one of us is subjected to many destructive hair – enemies such as styling products, poor diet, pollution or maybe exposure to some non – hair friendly salon or spa treatments etc.
Ayurveda identified the broad categories of these hair adversaries many millennia ago! It also found natural solutions that functioned as natural warriors to combat these enemies of wholesome hair growth. These defenders of hair well-being are more relevant today than ever before! To understand how these natural hair warriors strengthen and defend hair and its ecosystem to withstand as well as overcome the assault of these modern-day hair-foes let us learn about their potencies:
Introducing the time-tested hair warriors:
Amla or Indian Gooseberry is one of the world’s richest sources of Vitamin C. A natural storehouse of nutrients, Amla is a powerful ally for digestive system, hair, skin, and overall functioning of the body. In India, Amla is also known as Amalakai – which roughly translates into 'nectar of life’. According to Ayurveda, it is one of the most nourishing herbs for the hair. It offers a plethora of benefits and is useful in any form – raw, powdered or as an oil. It has been used for millennia in India as a natural conditioner to make the hair thicker and stronger.
Amla or Indian Gooseberry is one of the world’s richest sources of Vitamin C. A natural storehouse of nutrients, Amla is a powerful ally for digestive system, hair, skin, and overall functioning of the body. In India, Amla is also known as Amalakai – which roughly translates into 'nectar of life’. According to Ayurveda, it is one of the most nourishing herbs for the hair. It offers a plethora of benefits and is useful in any form – raw, powdered or as an oil. It has been used for millennia in India as a natural conditioner to make the hair thicker and stronger.
Most of us know licorice as the sweet, black and delicious candy from our childhood! To Ayurveda Licorice is known as Mulethi. This herb was treasured for its sweet, cooling, calming properties. According to Ayurveda, Mulethi is known to act as an amplifier, its ability to enhance the powerful properties of other herbs. In this case, it enhances the hair conditioning and strengthening effect of Amla and Bhringraj, besides acting a soothing agent for the head. Even western science has long been studying the medicinal properties of the phytochemical constituents and flavonoids found in Liquorice.
The Ayurveda Experience presents to you iYURA Ambhring - a blend of these three natural Ayurvedic hair-defenders immersed and brewed in Sesame-oil – a skin- & hair-friendly, antioxidant rich carrier. Ambring has the potent properties of all three hair warriors mentioned earlier as well as of Sesame oil. In addition, it is one of the best moisturization locking oils known to Ayurveda. With this concoction, iYURA created a formulation based on ancient Ayurvedic principles designed to maximize benefits for your hair and scalp.
What our customers say
“Silky Shine”
Love this product! My hair has been dull and difficult and just a few weeks of using this product, my hair has restored its shine and bounce!
- Kathleen S. - Results may vary from person to person.
"Love the scent"
I've just received my first order of the hair oil.
I love the scent and the packaging and artwork!
In addition to applying it to my scalp, I've also used it on the dry and damaged ends of my hair, and it works beautifully!
Very happy with this product :)
- Michelle K. - Results may vary from person to person.
Cow Milk, Sesame Oil (Sesamum Indicum), Indian Gooseberry (Emblica Officinalis), False Daisy (Eclipta Alba), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabra), Essential Oils of Mandarin and Peppermint