Aceites Dosha Final UK WEBINAR - The Ayurveda Experience EN UK

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Swinging through the drive-through or hopping into our favorite fast-food restaurants happen more often than some of would like to admit. Or even on laid back days, surely a lot of us might find ourselves opting for  canned, processed food items that contain high calorific value but little or no real nutrition.   

However, nutrition is of utmost importance to everyone.  
Eating well is an excellent way to help our bodies stay strong and healthy: “We are what we eat”  

Do you know what else requires a healthy dose of nature?

The largest organ in your body:

One of the general ‘rule of thumb’ of Ayurvedic skincare is: ‘If you can’t eat it, you shouldn’t put it on your skin’ 

Why engage with synthetic skincare products or even products that ‘claim’ to be natural, when you can have 100% natural products, formulated for your unique skin type, and derived from 5000-year-old Ayurvedic wisdom?  



Ayurveda’s Skin Brightening, Revitalizing,
Uber-Nourishing Secret

A Signature Blend of Precious Saffron + Rose + Turmericand16 Powerful Ayurvedic Ingredients 


 “The best product I’ve ever used!”
“Unbelievable, immediate results! The only thing comparable was after an hour of the best facial I’ve ever had administered by a dermatologist and skincare expert. It’s like nectar for skin. The moment I touched this oil to skin, my face felt warmth and looked sun-kissed and glowing. I haven’t used any of my fantastic products from Paris I used for years given by my esthetician since. I will continue to buy and try many more of their formulations.

Not a big reviewer but do love to share when something is special and this is exquisite.”

-Eloise Z.

- Results may vary from person to person

Swinging through the drive-through or hopping into our favorite fast-food restaurants happen more often than some of would like to admit. Or even on laid back days, surely a lot of us might find ourselves opting for canned, processed food items that contain high calorific value but little or no real nutrition.  

However, nutrition is of utmost importance to everyone.
 Eating well is an excellent way to help our bodies stay strong and healthy: “We are what we eat”

Do you know what else requires a healthy dose of nature?


One of the general ‘rule of thumb’ of Ayurvedic skincare is: ‘If you can’t eat it, you shouldn’t put it on your skin’

Why engage with synthetic skincare products or even products that ‘claim’ to be natural, when you can have 100% natural products, formulated for your unique skin type, and derived from 5000-year-old Ayurvedic wisdom? 



Ayurveda’s Skin Brightening, Revitalizing,
Uber-Nourishing Secret

A Signature Blend of Precious Saffron + Rose + Turmericand16 Powerful Ayurvedic Ingredients 


 “The best product I’ve ever used!”
“Unbelievable, immediate results! The only thing comparable was after an hour of the best facial I’ve ever had administered by a dermatologist and skincare expert. It’s like nectar for skin. The moment I touched this oil to skin, my face felt warmth and looked sun-kissed and glowing. I haven’t used any of my fantastic products from Paris I used for years given by my esthetician since. I will continue to buy and try many more of their formulations.

Not a big reviewer but do love to share when something is special and this is exquisite.”

-Eloise Z.

- Results may vary from person to person


The complete Dosha
body-oil care pack

Moisturize, nourish and pamper your skin with natural, pure and effective care. 

Identify your Dosha and get the benefits of what is  the best for yourself!


"My skin is fairly dry, especially legs and crinkly arms! This delightful oil absorbs quickly, smells amazing and definitely moisturizers instantly. Even the crinkly skin on my arms has already improved, and legs and feet are less dry".

-Karen N.

- Results may vary from person to person

Swinging through the drive-through or hopping into our favorite fast-food restaurants happen more often than some of would like to admit. Or even on laid back days, surely a lot of us might find ourselves opting for canned, processed food items that contain high calorific value but little or no real nutrition.

However, nutrition is of utmost importance to everyone. Eating well is an excellent way to help our bodies stay strong and healthy: “We are what we eat”

Do you know what else requires a healthy dose of nature?


One of the general ‘rule of thumb’ of Ayurvedic skincare is: ‘If you can’t eat it, you shouldn’t put it on your skin’

Why engage with synthetic skincare products or even products that ‘claim’ to be natural, when you can have 100% natural products, formulated for your unique skin type, and derived from 5000-year-old Ayurvedic wisdom?  



Ayurveda’s Skin Brightening, Revitalizing,
Uber-Nourishing Secret

A Signature Blend of Precious Saffron + Rose + Turmericand16 Powerful Ayurvedic Ingredients 


 “The best product I’ve ever used!”
“Unbelievable, immediate results! The only thing comparable was after an hour of the best facial I’ve ever had administered by a dermatologist and skincare expert. It’s like nectar for skin. The moment I touched this oil to skin, my face felt warmth and looked sun-kissed and glowing. I haven’t used any of my fantastic products from Paris I used for years given by my esthetician since. I will continue to buy and try many more of their formulations.

Not a big reviewer but do love to share when something is special and this is exquisite.”

-Eloise Z.

- Results may vary from person to person


The Complete Dosha body-oil pack

Moisturize, Nourish and Pamper your skin with natural, pure and effective care. 

Identify your Dosha and get the benefits of what is the best for yourself!  


 "I have had scaly dry skin since my 20s and have tried a lot of natural oils and body lotions. I have been very impressed with this oil. It smells rather divine after it soaks in (a bit strong going on). My skin looks so lustrous after putting it on. It gives a wonderful (dry not oily looking) sheen. I have noticed the very dry crepey skin above my knee is feeling softer longer. I recently got back from a trip to the desert which always leaves my legs flaky and cracked, but using this while I was there, there was no damage! I am looking forward to seeing how my skin responds after 6-8 weeks!" 

-Rebecca B.

- Results may vary from person to person

But before that, what is Ayurveda?

An ancient science of life, more commonly known as the sister science of yoga, that employs food, herbs, lifestyle habits and daily practices to create a definite path to a healthy, truly happy life - A science that's been written in documents dating back to over 5000 years. When it comes to beauty - Ayurveda does not stop at superficial beauty, but in fact, lends from nature, to restore nature.

Ayurveda believes that each individual is unique with a unique make that require personalized, one-of-a-kind care! 

‘How So?’, you ask? 

Ayurveda encompasses an insight into all the realms of the universe- the physical, emotional and spiritual contexts. Matter can be divided into five forms- Space (Akash), Air (Vayu), Fire (Tejas), Water (Jala) and Earth (Prithvi). 

About us image

Each set of experiences can be governed by the way we perceive these states of matter. Hence, the universal life force manifests as three different kinds of energies,  or ‘Doshas’- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.  

We are all an embodiment of a unique combination of these three Doshas, which serve as our personal blueprint or prakruti (nature). However, as one moves through life, factors such as the environment, diet, climate, age etc. may cause the proportion of each of the three Doshas to fluctuate, and put our body out of balance, hence affecting the health, energy level and general mood.

The five elements classified into three types of energies or Doshas – Vata, Pitta  and Kapha, is present in everyone and every living thing in the universe.  



VATA: Air and Space

Touch your face and try to remember how your skin has felt for most of your life. Have you always had to moisturize it quite a bit? How has your hair been naturally?  Perhaps dry, lusterless or maybe, scanty?      
Observe your body… either you are taller and lankier than those around you with long, maybe  even awkward limbs or you are shorter than others, being a tiny person for most of your life. This is a glimpse of your VATA for you.

You are  made of air and space. Vata is the energy of Mobility, of Transcendence, of Speed and of Creativity. Vatas are generally either very tall or very short, tend to be thin and light and have at least one irregularity about their bodies. No surprise if you have a deviated septum or bent nose. Your fingers and toes are slender and tapering and your prominent veins are easily visible on the surface of your skin. Most of the times, your hands and feet are cold. 

Vata is considered as the most powerful of the 3 Doshas that work in conjunction with the realms of Air and Space. 

Fluctuations in the Vata composition influence the muscles, joints, heart, and the most basic functions of the body. The emotions it control are: pain, anxiety, fear and other functions of the nervous system. 

Vata gives you a predisposition to get anxious easily and makes you struggle to retain your composure in challenging situations, stress-related stomach discomforts and belly grumble, all tell the tale of Vatta aggravation, in dry, cold areas, your Vata gets very aggravated and you get allergies and colds. With you being light and fluttery like a bird, your appetite is not too different. You eat small amounts and very irregularly, You are quick to learn but you are also quick to forget. You like to fly and stagnation and getting stuck in a spot feels like the worst thing ever to you. Al though you make friends quickly,  it’s easy for you to get isolated but not in a depressed, brooding kapha-like fashion, but in a dreamy, detached sort of way.  

 Think Vata, think dry, cold, erratic, ever-moving, uncontrolled and , chaotic. Agile and nimble, you may have many erratic and unpredictable tendencies. When your vata gets aggravated you become clumsy, lose focus, leave things unfinished, or shift to another job. If we were to simplify things, to keep your Vata balanced, you should never forget these two things: Routine and Hydration. Keep yourself warm and moisturized, eat warm and oily foods with ghee and fats, consume calming and stamina- building herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Gotukola etc. Eat at regular timings and follow a defined, routine lifestyle and massage yourself till tomorrow comes.

  • Saffron contains vitamin B2, B3, B6 and is excellent for hair and
  • Saffron works wonders for good color and complexion and also assists in giving it an even-toned look.
  • Merely inhaling saffron aroma can make you go like, "WOW!"
  • Saffron has been reported to contain more than 150 carotenoid
    including safranal, zeaxanthin, lycopene and various
          α- and β-carotenes along with a rich source of riboflavin. 

PITTA: Fire and Water

A defined jawline, angular face structure, sharp eyes, a clear radiant face with an oily structure, medium build and height, these are all features of PITTA Dosha, characterized by the element of FIRE. Made of fire and water, Pitta is the dosha that represents the force of Intelligence and Transformation.  

Individuals with a dominant Pitta Dosha have warm skin with a tendency to get pimples, pigmentation and rashes. Since Pitta is fire-centric, Pitta personalities are intolerant to heat and too much sun exposure, making one sweat profusely with often a sharp odor. This Dosha controls functions such as digestion, metabolism, certain hormones related to appetite and skin color, while on the emotional side, hatred, anger and jealousy dominate. 

The up-side to being a Pitta person is that you have a large and healthy appetite and under normal circumstances, great digestion! Pitta is the central Dosha and is deeply connected to the digestive system, and keeps both Vata and Kapha in check. 

You are very competitive, success oriented, driven and alert but also quick to lose temper.  Sometimes you can tend to be irritable, acidic and arrogant. Your brilliance and ability to focus single-mindedly on tasks and eye for detail and a penchant for perfection makes you a very valuable leader, executive officer or employee. But when out of balance, the Pitta fire can burn and that can be dangerous.  As a Pitta person, you can be easily addicted to intoxicants. Pitta derangement is one of the biggest factors behind many diseases. Diseases like disorders of the stomach and small intestines, ulcers, acidity, fevers, indigestion, Jaundice, Pharyngitis, vitiation of sight, skin ailments etc. are all considered Pitta impairments. 

Coming to skin type, Pitta skin is delicate, naturally warm in temperature and may have freckles and/or moles. When unbalanced, this skin type is prone to excessive heat, inflammation, excess oil (especially in the T-zone region), rosacea, broken capillaries, acne, blemishes, and redness. 

 To balance specific Pitta imbalances, you will have to make very specific choices! 

  • Saffron contains vitamin B2, B3, B6 and is excellent for hair and
  • Saffron works wonders for good color and complexion and also assists in giving it an even-toned look.
  • Merely inhaling saffron aroma can make you go like, "WOW!"
  • Saffron has been reported to contain more than 150 carotenoid
    including safranal, zeaxanthin, lycopene and various
          α- and β-carotenes along with a rich source of riboflavin. 

KAPHA: Water and Earth 

Kapha Dosha means ‘that which holds things together’. A big frame, well-built body structure, Bold prominent features  and a deep or sweet voice and Kapha’s gifts to you! Physically, big eyes, bold lips, bouncy, dense and possibly wavy hair and a beautiful smile make you very attractively Kapha. However, you might easily build bulk and as your digestive fire is not that powerful, you can gain weight rather fast. Physiologically, Kapha relates to fluidity and structure. Kapha gives you great powers of retention. Every action you take is after great thought and deliberation. You’re not the impulsive kind.  

Emotionally, Kapha is characterized by deep emotions, intense attachments and a gentle feminine and sensuous way of expressing love.   

Taste and smell, being your most predominant senses, you’re often caught up in a kitchen or amongst aromatic environments. Cold, damp weather makes you gloomy and you get sad, lethargic and heavy. You might have a tendency toward water retention or getting a cold. Grief, tonsillitis, sinusitis, frustration, inertia, obesity, anorexia and bulimia, attachment and greed - these are all indicative of kapha imbalance. Impairment of taste and digestion, loss of memory, excess phlegm, water retention, and certain respiratory conditions are all considered Kapha disorders. Using pungent spices like ginger, turmeric and black pepper in your diet is great for you. Also, there are several yoga postures as well as practices such a dry brushing that help in balancing aggravated Kapha.

Coming to skin type, Kapha-type skin reflects the qualities of the elements earth and water. When in balance, Kapha skin is pale, smooth, supple, cool, and slightly moist. People of a Kapha nature are said to have skin like a porcelain doll. But, when out of balance, this skin type is prone to excess oil, acne, enlarged pores, congestion, and excess moisture.  

  • Saffron contains vitamin B2, B3, B6 and is excellent for hair and
  • Saffron works wonders for good color and complexion and also assists in giving it an even-toned look.
  • Merely inhaling saffron aroma can make you go like, "WOW!"
  • Saffron has been reported to contain more than 150 carotenoid
    including safranal, zeaxanthin, lycopene and various
          α- and β-carotenes along with a rich source of riboflavin. 

Why is it important to know your dominant Dosha?

Why is it important
to know your
dominant Dosha?

Making the right choices for your family and for you is VERY confusing. After all, you are surrounded by so much generalized information and scientific findings that seem to change every day!

You know what we mean - you’re drowning in questions about which food and diet trend are just fads.
Questions like: 

  • How do I know which form of exercise works best for me right now?  
  • Why is my reproductive health not improving despite weight loss?
  • Is a gluten-free diet the right choice for my individual body?
  • And why does following the maximum of “eight hours of sleep a day” actually leave me feeling even more lethargic instead of refreshed?

Phew! That’s a lot of questions – but finding their answers becomes simpler when you know - really know - your PRAKRUTI or unique nature, doesn’t it?

  • How do I know which form of exercise works best for me right now?  
  • Why is my reproductive health not improving despite weight loss?
  • Is a gluten-free diet the right choice for my individual body?
  • Which foods may actually be aggravating my child’s attention deficit issues?
  • And why does following the maximum of “eight hours of sleep a day” actually leave me feeling even more lethargic instead of refreshed?

Phew! That’s a lot of questions – but finding their answers becomes simpler when you know - really know - your PRAKRUTI or unique nature,  doesn’t it?

Think about it...

Think about it...

Say, blueberries are a great source of antioxidants and all your friends are swearing by them. But you stay away, because you know the fruit acids from the blueberries are a “trigger” for your naturally dominant Pitta or fiery element, which anyway tends to overflow, leading to heartburn. You wisely prefer to get your antioxidants from milder, sweeter fruits, such as avocados and coconuts… 

That’s wise, Prakruti-driven Decision-Making in Action and reality is the KEY.

Understanding our Prakruti tells us the conditions under which we, as individuals, thrive. When you live, eat, sleep and work in harmony with your own climate, not your neighbor’s or your friend’s or even your partner’s  

  • You prevent disease, stopping it even before it manifests
  • You age better...
  • The “fruits” of your action are better – your work yields more productive results; You are even in better metabolic and reproductive health...
  • You become calmer and turn into “that friend or family member everyone wants to be around” ...
  • You prevent disease, stopping it even before it manifests
  • You age better...
  • The “fruits” of your action are better – your work yields more productive results; You are even in better metabolic and reproductive health...
  • You become calmer and turn into “that friend or family member everyone wants to be around” ...
  • You handle change well...

Ayurvedic medicine is backed by studies  and well documented in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia, a kind of dictionary of Ayurvedic medicine. 

Prakruti  is the reason why Ayurvedic oils smell different on each person. The books say that these behave differently depending on one's body chemistry. 

Liquid error (sections/pf-3282e89c line 115): product form must be given a product
Liquid error (sections/pf-3282e89c line 136): product form must be given a product

iYURA Day & Night

Ayurveda's Quintessential
AM to PM Duo
10% OFF

1.69 fl oz (50 ml) each

Kesaradi® Oil

Get 20% off
if you buy a pack of 2!

1.69 fl oz (50 ml) each

Generally, we all have a Combination of Two or Three Doshas with one or two being the Most Dominant. By identifying your most dominant Dosha, you can choose Skin Care that best suits you.


"My skin is fairly dry, especially legs and crinkly arms! This delightful oil absorbs quickly, smells amazing and definitely moisturizers instantly. Even the crinkly skin on my arms has already improved, and legs and feet are less dry".

- Karen N.

-Results may vary from person to person

Try effective Dosha Oils and Soothe your Skin and Spirit!

Try effective Dosha Oils and Soothe your Skin and Spirit!


"This body oil is fantastic. Smells wonderful, light, quick absorption without an oily feeling and softens my aging skin. So happy that I tried it and now will continue to pamper myself with it. Thank you!"

- Denise C.

-Results may vary from person to person


 Plant-based body oils have a decisive advantage over body lotions. Pure vegetable oils such as sesame oil are similar in their fat composition to your own skin fat. As a result, they harmonize with the skin in a natural way. 

And that’s not all… 

Ayurvedic skin care products are more than a simple mixture of herbs and natural ingredients. 

Ayurveda is a science based on principles and only recipes that follow the ancient texts or strictly adhere to the Ayurvedic principles are actually Ayurvedic and show the expected effect. Classic Ayurvedic recipes can be found in the ancient Ayurvedic texts that have been in use for thousands of years and are still used effectively today.  

At iYURA, we ensure that we adhere to the texts and principles without the products becoming impractical to use. 

By using them, you can expect:


Deep and Natural Glow

Extra Soft Skin

Non-sticky mosturization

No need to keep applying it throughtout the day

No need to keep applying it throughtout the day

With regular use, you can expect:

With regular use, you can expect:

Softened skin

Reduced need to apply moisturizer again and again

Non-sticky, light moisturization that locks moisture in and creates a protective barrier

Non-sticky mosturization

What's the special thing about using an Ayurvedic Oil for Skin Care?
Our clients will tell you


"There is a noticeable difference w my skin when I use your products. My face keeps its glow W those products - which I have reordered 4 times now and also the One for the body - which I have just ordered for the second time is Much better than any lotion I have used. I also have the wand and the oil that goes w that. It’s shear pleasure. Thank you."

-Mary H.

-Results may vary from person to person


"I have extreme dry skin. I would never have thought I could just use an oil to relieve my skin itchy and cracking skin until I used these Oils. At first, I would massage it on after my shower then add a lotion but as my skin kept improving I was able to only use the Oil!! It has made my skin so soft and smooth! It is so much healthier!" 

- Connie M.  

-Results may vary from person to person


"Every day I see a little more - I am so pleased. Also I am 77 yo and have used every product (practically) on the market, never to see the results they promise. This body oil and the day and night oils are amazing. My skin on my arms is looking so much better and my legs - wow - I have a lot of sun damage and it really is helping. I love these products and will continue to use them. Thank you." 

- Lynn M..

-Results may vary from person to person


"I have had scaly dry skin since my 20s and have tried a lot of natural oils and body lotions. I have been very impressed with this oil. It smells rather divine after it soaks in (a bit strong going on). My skin looks so lustrous after putting it on. It gives a wonderful (dry not oily looking) sheen. I have noticed the very dry crepey skin above my knee is feeling softer longer. I recently got back from a trip to the desert which always leaves my legs flaky and cracked, but using this while I was there, there was no damage! I am looking forward to seeing how my skin responds after 6-8 weeks!"   

- Rebecca B.

-Results may vary from person to person

Ayurvedic Skincare For Dull Skin
Ayurvedic Skincare For Dull Skin
Ayurvedic Skincare For Dull Skin

If you’re still Thinking Whether to go Ahead with this or not… here’s a Point that can put things into Perspective for you:

One Ayurvedic facial at a spa can cost anything from £ 40 to £ 200. That’s 1 single 1-hour session. The experience can doubtlessly be amazing, indeed. But - consider this -

Here is an opportunity for you to get atleast 2-3 months of a daily, 20-minute power massage with immediately visible results with one bottle of our oils, which means about 60 - 90 massages in less than £ 40! If you already have the Layuna massager, these oils are a no-brainer, you’ve got to try it! (Especially when your investment is totally secured with the 100% satisfaction, money back guarantee)

If you were to get 30 facials at a spa, it would cost anything from £ 1220 - £ 6000! This means you’re saving more than 20 times the money!

Is this a saving worth it? Is there a doubt?! 

Liquid error (sections/pf-3282e89c line 210): product form must be given a product
Liquid error (sections/pf-3282e89c line 231): product form must be given a product

iYURA Day & Night

Ayurveda's Quintessential
AM to PM Duo
10% OFF

1.69 fl oz (50 ml) each

Kesaradi® Oil

Get 20% off
if you buy a pack of 2!

1.69 fl oz (50 ml) each

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Sunny Kiss Face Massage Set
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Layuna Starter Set

Personal Layuna Face Massager +
Bharanyu Radiant Face Oil

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Layuna Facecare Set

Layuna Massager for Face and Body + Bharanyu Oil
+ Ambhring Hair Oil 

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Sunny Kiss Face Massage Set
Sunny Kiss Face Massage Set
Sunny Kiss Face Massage Set
Sunny Kiss Face Massage Set
Sunny Kiss Face Massage Set
Sunny Kiss Face Massage Set
Sunny Kiss Face Massage Set


Personal Layuna Face Massager + Bharanyu Radiant Face Oil

30 ml

Relaxation crown Massage Set
Relaxation crown Massage Set
Relaxation crown Massage Set
Relaxation crown Massage Set
Relaxation crown Massage Set
Relaxation crown Massage Set
Relaxation crown Massage Set
Relaxation crown Massage Set


Layuna Massager for Face and Body + Bharanyu Oil
+ Ambhring Hair Oil 

30 ml and 100 ml
