ON THE FACE, NECK AND décolleté  

For years, since our 20s, we’ve been bombarded with skincare products that focus solely on keeping our face looking youthful and wrinkle-free. We’ve seen thousands of products that promise to make those fine lines disappear and keep our face glowing and young.  

But what about the skin on the neck
and décolleté ?
Will the same products that work on the face and body fulfill the demands of the neck
as well?

But what about the skin on the neck and décolleté ?
Will the same products that work on the face and body fulfill the demands of the neck as well?

Skincare companies have been so laser focused on the face that they have failed to recognize that our neck and décolleté, being an extension of the face, require targeted products too. 

While there are plenty of face creams and serums available in the market, they do not cater to the delicate skin below your chin that requires as much, if not more, TLC as your face.

Tending to the demands of your face is important, but is it enough? 

You may be ‘neck’ deep in an anti-aging regime for your face, but your face is not the only area that reflects these visible signs of aging. 

Have you started noticing not just 1 but 2, 3 or more horizontal lines or wrinkles on your neck?

The skin on the neck and décolleté is more fragile and shows signs of aging faster than the rest of the body.

No simple ‘moisturising cream’ will tackle these very real problems skincare companies fail to talk about.

We all know that our skin ages with us: it loses collagen and elasticity, we can’t expect our skin to continue to look firm, smooth and wrinkle-free. 

Or can we? 

If you’ve ever heard of Ayurveda (the Ancient Science of Life that originated in India over 5000 years ago), you’ll know that this holistic system of wellness has a large focus on self-care. 

Many routines and practices in Ayurveda are made specifically to keep our skin looking and feeling young – and what makes Ayurveda so special is that it not only focusses on the face but also on generally neglected body parts like neck and décolleté. 

As stated above, the earliest mentions of Ayurveda in ancient books and texts date back to over 5000 years ago. That means that the Ayurvedic self-care routines and skincare formulations we know today, have been around for literally  thousands of years. If the test of time doesn’t prove how effective they are... well, what does?! 


1. Understand Why your Neck and Décolleté
Appear to Age faster than your Face

First, we have to understand why fine lines and wrinkles show up on the neck and decollete before the rest of the body. This is due to 2 main reasons –the extra-delicate neck skin and the constant movement it goes through. 

The skin around the neck is very thin and delicate, it’s less capable of retaining moisture, which leads to dryness.
The neck skin is like the skin under your eyes, there are fewer sebaceous glands than other areas which gives the skin a natural layer of lubrication. This leads to the neck and décolleté getting even drier. Thin, dry skin tends to show fine lines first.

The second reason is simply the fact that they go through a lot of movement. Think about the number of times you turn your head everyday, whether you're at the office, crossing the street, or even looking at your phone like you are right now. Your neck moves constantly.
Each of these movements pulls and stretches the delicate skin under your chin, leading to fine lines and wrinkles.


These are the horizontal lines and wrinkles that appear around your neck. With the amount of time we spend staring at our phones, even 20 and 30-somethings are noticing fine lines and wrinkles on their neck!

Heard about Tech Neck?

These are the horizontal lines and wrinkles that appear around your neck. With the amount of time we spend staring at our phones, even 20 and 30-somethings are noticing fine lines and wrinkles on their neck!

Ayurveda has a kinder explanation for it. In our life, we go through three stages of life: Kapha, Pitta, and Vata – which are also the  three doshas or bio-elements in Ayurveda. 

Kapha consists of the elements of earth and water and is associated with oiliness, juiciness, heaviness. Kapha is the first stage of life – just think of a baby’s juicy and plump skin and the expression “baby soft skin”. 

Pitta  consists of the elements of fire and water and is associated with heat, sharpness, and determination. Pitta is the second or middle stage of life – just think of a teenager’s acne  and hot temper, or a young adult’s drive and ambition. 

Vata  consists of the elements of air and space and is associated with  dryness, lightness, alertness and creativity. In the Vata stage of life, we experience  dry and rough skin, with wrinkles, we may feel cold more often, but also reach maturity, wisdom, grace and mastery. During this time, it’s important to focus on practices that are warming, stabilizing, grounding and nourishing. 

Now that you know that mature skin with fine lines and wrinkles is a result of the dry Vata stage of life, let’s find which Ayurvedic practices can help rejuvenate Vata skin!   

2.  Go BEYOND Simply Rubbing Moisturisers and Creams on Your Face, Neck and Décolleté   

Face creams and serums... we’ve been using them for years. Phrases like “Ultra rich”, “cocoa”, “shea smooth”, “aloe hydration”, “express hydration”... have made it to every skincare’s dictionary. But once you look at the list of ingredients, they all look almost the same!  

In fact – have a look at the ingredient list of your current skin care product. “Which one? My serum, day cream, night cream, treatment cream?” you may ask.  


Given that we're so dedicated to keeping our face look firm and smooth, why should we treat our necks any differently?
After all, your neck is a part of your face too and it's imperative to ensure that caring for it does not take a backseat.

Ayurveda specializes in self-care and body care!  It explains the practice of ‘Dinacharya’ or daily self-care rituals for your skin, body, soul and mind as an expression of self-love. This helps build a foundation to achieve good health and longevity.   

One of the pillars of Ayurvedic wellness and self-care is Facial Marma Massage. Through marma point (energy points) massage, we can help clear any blockages and stagnation within these energy points. Simply taking out a few minutes every day to massage your own face, neck and décolleté, to stay grounded and connected.   

The benefits of  Facial Marma Massage  are manifold: 

  • Softens  skin and helps smoothen  wrinkles and fine lines  
  • Glowing and hydrated looking skin 
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Boost your facial muscles, give you firm jaw muscles, and enhance your face's tone and shape 
  • Helps you  sleep better  and deeper at night  
  • Reduces stress and increases longevity  

While a good self-massage should take about 15-20 minutes, taking out even 5 minutes per day for yourself is enough to see effects.  

5 minutes  a day to love yourself, to love your body and to feel better and look better - a 5-minute investment that is worth your skin’s while.  Only 5 minutes of self-massage to give your bodily skin the same kind of love that you might give your face.  

Ayurveda recommends doing this self-care routine with not a face cream, but an oil.  

3. Use Oils Specific not just to Your Face but also your Neck and Décolleté 

We have been moisturising our face for decades, but do we really know whether the same products can tend to the needs on our neck and décolleté? What is it that actually moisturises the delicate skin of these critical cosmetic areas that often get overlooked? And with a myriad of options available to moisturise skin, how would you ever know what is it that would suit your skin the most?!

And on that note, one question that has perplexed almost everyone we know is - do oils moisturise and hydrate the skin much more effectively than face creams? 

The answer is YES!


Let's list them out! 

  • Oils help re-introduce lost moisture in the skin – be that right after stepping out of the shower or exposure to air conditioning or cold, dry winds. They are great at mimicking the skin’s lipid barrier.

“But there are creams that are oil based, do they not support the skin’s lipid barrier?”, you might wonder.  

These face creams contain only a small portion of oil in them, which is nowhere near to what our skin requires. 

  • Molecules of oils are smaller  than those of creams, which also aid in better absorption into the skin.

Some more reasons why face oils are a better friend than creams:

  • Oils are not a foreign substance for our skin. The  formation of oils  is a  natural  and innate process within the layers of our skin, which means that the application of an oil externally is a welcome addition to our skin’s natural oils.   
  • Did you know? Wax-based creams work by forming a protective layer on the skin, that can later end up clogging the pores!

    Something you should be considering, if you are thinking about buying a cream instead.   
  • Pure and natural oils are innately rich with an  array of benefits  that help in giving your skin a  toned, smooth and even complexion  along with an  enhanced texture. Not only that, but a massage with an oil also offers therapeutic properties that help  you relax, de-stress and wind down.  

Remember the three doshas or bio-elements we talked about earlier: Kapha, Pitta and Vata? Each of these roughly translate to the skin types we know today as: oily, sensitive/irritable, and dry, respectively. Ayurveda identifies that all natural ingredients (oils, foods, herbs, spices) have specific properties, and which ones are ideal for which dosha. Oils are no different: 

Dry Vata  skin benefits best from Sesame Oil  because of sesame seed’s nourishing and warming properties, and castor oil because of its thick, intensely moisturising properties. 

Hot, irritable Pitta  skin needs a cooling and calming oil like Coconut Oil

Oily Kapha  skin can benefit from Almond Oil  or  Sesame Oil, but those oils should also contain Kapha-balancing herbs like rosemary or orange.   

4. Use Polyherbal Formulations with Targeted Ingredients 

While oils alone are a great start, a better way to get even more targeted benefits for your skin and make it more specific to your unique Dosha is by  cooking it with herbs and spices.  

Some of the best Ayurvedic ingredients specifically for dry, crepey skin with prominent fine lines are:  

Black Gram

Also known as an ‘uber nourisher’ in ancient Ayurvedic texts, Black Gram is an extremely potent moisturising and unctuous ingredient for an Ayurvedic oil that intensely moisturises the skin and gives it a plum and supple look. 

Although Black Gram found its fame as a staple food in South-East Asia and the Middle East, Ayurveda has known of its powers to deeply nourish skin, for centuries. 

The oil derived from this  nutritious kitchen-ingredient  is known to promote  youthful, firm  and  tight looking  skin, and manage the appearance of  fine lines and  crepiness. Its intense moisturising and nourishing powers, along with its  smooth, non-sticky and non-greasy texture  when added to an oil are what make it a suitable ingredient for any skincare – be that for the face or for the body! The rich protein and zinc in sesame seed oil are just what your skin need to feel moisturised and smooth.

Derived from the seeds of the flowering Sesame plant, Sesame seed oil has vitamins A and E which improves skin’s texture and gives it a youthful-looking glow.

Not only that, like other carrier oils, Sesame seed oil is incredibly versatile, making it a delightful addition to one’s skin care routine



Extracted from the inner husk of rice, Rice Bran Oil contains Vitamins B and E which not just hydrate the skin and keep it moisturised, but also makes the skin look supple, glowyand ‘bouncy’.

The benefits don’t stop there! It also contains squalene which is known to impart a young and smooth-looking, fresh glow to the skin.   Also known as coco grass, Nut Grass forms an incredible addition to Yauvari’s list of ingredients because of its skin brightening properties.

The extracts of Nutgrass are highly potent which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and gives the skin a youthful look. 

Nut Grass forms a part of natural skin care essentials targeted to make the skin appear even toned and brightened.  


5. Use an Ancient, Proven, Time-Tested Formulation 

There are multiple procedures and treatments available that claim to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, on your face, neck and decollete, like fillers, laser skin-resurfacing procedures, chemical peels and more.

One option is to even go under the knife, with surgical treatments like Rhytidectomy (face lift) or Platysmaplasty also know as Neck Lift.

These procedures and treatments can not only be uncomfortable, but also costs a ton! 

Ask yourself, is it, really, worth it? 

What if we tell you that there is a better, non-invasive, 100% natural, Ayurvedic oil, that can help reduce the appearance of fine lines on your face, neck and décolleté?  


by  The Ayurveda Experience  is the MOST Reliable Ayurvedic secret that firms, tones and visibly reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Enriched with the multi benefits of Moisturisation, Hydration, Firming and Tightening, Intense Nourishment of established and proven Ayurvedic herbs such as Black Gram, Sesame Oil, Rice Bran, Nutgrass, Vetiver and more, this intense moisture boost supports dry, aging, saggy skin on the Face, Neck and Décolleté well and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over a few usages. 

  • Perfect for daily use and can be used morning and evening with gentle application or washed off after a refreshing massage. 
  • Specifically designed for dry skin to give ultra-moisturised yet non-greasy skin
  • Give your skin a a dazzling glow
  • No tint, colorless oil
  • Firms and tones the appearance of  fines lines on the face, neck and décolleté.  


This dissolves the fine lines on my face and neck and the results have been relatively quick. I no longer need countless serums and creams, just the one simple face oil does it all. My skin has never looked so soft and nourished and it smells amazing too.

-Pippa T


"Amazing oil that really does turn back the clock!
I LOVE this oil! I am 64 years of age and have rarely ever left the house without make-up. I have always felt self conscious with my very fair skin and the feeling of looking 'washed out'. I started using Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring less than a year ago and go without foundation most days now. My skin looks and feels so soft and dewy, the lines on my face and neck have softened and my skin has a.., glow. I have purchased several other oils in the range now and am delighted with them all. Best of all, they are natural products…! I will continue to recommend these oils to anyone who is looking for a new direction in their skincare routine.

-Esther G.


“Best Moisturiser Ever! 
“Hands down the BEST moisturiser I’ve ever used. I saw immediate results with the first application as my age lines were plumped with moisture and visibly smoother as a result. Not greasy and lasts all day without making my skin oily. The smell is fabulous too. I look forward to this part of my daytime/nighttime ritual. This oil is absolutely divine. 
- Andrea K 


Specially formulated for the face, neck and decollete. As Black Gram can make the formulation intense, Yauvari Youth Spring has been especially formulated to work on the delicate area of the face, neck and decollete so it does not clog the pores or leave a sticky feeling. Yauvari is intense enough to moisturise deeply and for a long time, but, unlike a body oil, it is also light enough to give delicate skin enough breathing space. Not only that, this formulation has been developed to include specific base oils to produce a blend that would be just right and the most effective when it comes to moisturising the skin, making it look plump and youthful and reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. 

The Most Authentic Ayurveda Platform House of Brands that provides centuries’ old authentic solutions to 600,000+ happy customers spread across 4 continents in 150+ countries.  

Quality, safety and efficacy lie at the core of The Ayurveda Experience.

Take advantage of this body oil made with time tested Ayurvedic ingredients that have proven to work over thousands of years.   

More than 53,000+ customers have loved the face oil with an average rating of 4.9 stars.  

Not only that, but you will find that the product is exquisitely packed in what you can call a piece of ART! You will be mesmerized by the beautiful hand painted Madhubani artwork by local artists, bringing life and beauty to your dresser!

Try it for yourself! 
And if for some unthinkable reason you
don’t like the product, or it doesn’t work
for you, then you can avail
our 30-day FULLmoney
back guarantee!

Not only that, but you will find that the product is exquisitely
packed in what you can call a piece of ART! You will be mesmerized by the beautiful hand
painted Madhubani artwork by local artists, bringing life and beauty to your dresser!

Try it for yourself!
And if for some unthinkable reason you don’t like the product, or it doesn’t work for you, then you can avail
our 30-day FULL money back guarantee!


If you buy Yauvari Youth Spring today, you'll get a FREE Mini Keranya Black Seed Hair Potion- the perfect, colourless hair oil for long, lush and voluminous hair- with your order!

Mini Keranya Hair Oil will be automatically added to your order!


If you buy Yauvari Youth Spring today, you'll get a FREE Mini Keranya Black Seed Hair Potion- the perfect, colourless hair oil for long, lush and voluminous hair- with your order!

Mini Keranya Hair Oil will be automatically added to your order!


This Best Selling Age-Defying Face Oil Is Now At FLAT 10% OFF!

Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring

Yauvari Youth Spring- for Dry, Mature, Aging Skin

30 ml

For Apparent Smoothness, Firmness and Vibrancy in Aging Skin
Balances effects of sagginess, dryness, aging and look of wrinkled skin.

  • Perfect for daily use and can be used morning and evening 
  • Smoothens the look of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Specifically designed for dry skin to give ultra-moisturised yet non-sticky skin
  • You feel strong, supported, cared for and luxurious through the day! 
  • No tint, colorless oil


[Limited time offer!]
This Best Selling Age-Defying Face Oil Is Now At FLAT 10% OFF!


+ Free Delivery

You Save £4.10

100% Satisfaction, 30-Day FULL Money Back Guarantee

Complete list of Ingredients: 

Rice Bran Oil [Oryza Sativa Bran Oil], Sesame Seed Oil [Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil], Black Gram [Vigna Mungo Seed Extract], Essential Oil of Frankincense [Boswellia Serrata Oil], Essential Oil of Neroli [Citrus Aurantium Flower Oil], Black Pepper [Piper Nigrum Fruit Extract], Essential Oil of Lime [Citrus Aurantifolia Oil], Nut Grass [Cyperus Rotundus Root Extract], Black Creeper [Ichnocarpus Fruitescens Extract], Touch-Me-Not Plant [Mimosa Pudica Leaf Extract], Turmeric [Curcuma Longa Root Extract], Vetiver [Vetiveria Zizanoides Root Extract], Ginger [Zingiber Officinale Extract], Tocopherol, Long Pepper [Piper Longum Fruit Extract], Stone Apple [Aegle Marmelos Leaf Extract], Black Plum [Eugenia Jambolana Leaf Extract], Mango [Mangifera Indica Leaf Extract]. 

Of all the reasons that face oils are so much better than using creams, monetary worth is something that Yauvari promises.

Think about this...You have been using a £10 face cream, buying a new bottle every 2 months for 20 years.  

But what results have you seen?   

What good has it done to your skin besides the basic moisturisation? 

You have spent £1200 on thin air for the last 20 years with no relevant or visible effects on your body. 

The time has finally come for us to switch to a 100% natural formulation that has proven to show results over thousands of years. It's time we revealed the exotic jewel of herbal, Ayurvedic ingredients to the western world and unleashed the powerful benefits of these potent ingredients.

Your endless search for an effective product that is specifically curated for aging and mature skin of face, neck and décolleté, is finally over! 

Many of our customers said that they’ve finally found THE product that they will stick with forever.  


"Youth Spring is Amazing 

I LOVE this oil. I use it day and night on my face and neck. I have been using this for about two years and have noticed a difference in the way my skin looks and feels. My neck was getting creepy from not taking care of it in my younger days. The lines around my eyes and on my forehead were showing more - mostly because of aging and dryness. This oil has turned everything around! 

Donna R.


Love this product ! I have sensitive skin and have been using this product in the morning and at night My skin is feeling so smooth and hydrated again. Fine lines are disappearing. It absorbs easily into the skin and smells amazing!

Penny M

Not only that, but you will find that the product is exquisitely packed in what you can call a piece of ART! You will be mesmerized by the beautiful hand painted Madhubani artwork by local artists, bringing life and beauty to your dresser!

Try it for yourself! 
And if for some unthinkable reason you don’t like the product, or it doesn’t work for you, then you can avail our 30-day FULL money back guarantee!

Not only that, but you will find that the product is exquisitely packed in what you can call a piece of ART! You will be mesmerized by the beautiful hand painted Madhubani artwork by local artists, bringing life and beauty to your dresser! 

Try it for yourself! 
And if for some unthinkable reason you don’t like the product, or it doesn’t work for you, then you can avail our 30-day FULL money back guarantee!


If you buy Yauvari Youth Spring today, you'll get a FREE Mini Keranya Black Seed Hair Potion- the perfect, colourless hair oil for long, lush and voluminous hair- with your order!

Mini Keranya Hair Oil will be automatically added to your order!


If you buy today, you'll get a FREE Mini Prinourish Skin Enriching Superfood Serum- a VEGAN, Clear, Colorless Formula for Lasting Moisturisation and Glossy Effect with your order!

The FREE mini Prinourish will get added to your cart automatically!


LIMITED TIME OFFER This Best Selling Age-Defying Face Oil Is Now At FLAT 10% OFF!

Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring
Yauvari Youth Spring

Yauvari Youth Spring-
for Dry, Mature, Aging Skin

30 ml

For Apparent Smoothness, Firmness and Vibrancy in Aging Skin

Balances effects of sagginess, dryness, aging and look of wrinkled skin. 

  • Perfect for daily use and can be used morning and evening
  • Smoothens the look of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Specifically designed for dry skin to give ultra-moisturised yet non-sticky skin
  • You feel strong, supported, cared for and luxurious through the day! 
  • No tint, colorless oil


[Limited time offer!]
This Best Selling Age-Defying Face Oil Is Now At FLAT 10% OFF!


+ Free Delivery

You Save £4.10

100% Satisfaction, 30-Day FULL Money Back Guarantee

The Ayurveda Experience brings to you amazing concoctions of body oils made from incredible Ayurvedic herbs! 

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