Gone are the days when skincare used to be just a blind purchase, merely meant for surface-level moisturisation.
Informed skincare enthusiasts like you have turned the focus of the skincare world to unique ingredients and their REAL benefits for skin!
We’re unravelling the truth about one such ingredient -
SAFFRON and the
REAL reason why all-natural Saffron-rich Skincare is all the
rage in the beauty world now!
No, we're not talking about American Saffron or Mexican Saffron, which is simply Safflower that is used to produce Safflower oil, but instead a not-so-well-known yet highly beneficial and
coveted spice that's very
rare to find in the West, whose benefits
still remain unmatched to this day!
And since you have seen plenty of skincare advertisements over the years and could have probably been following some of the latest trends in skincare, especially the
onset of Ayurveda in the West, you must have heard about
Saffron’s incredibly beneficial effects on skin, how
SUPREMELY EXPENSIVE the spice really is, the blush-glow it lends the skin or even seen it occasionally on Facebook and have been blown away by the beauty of this humble yet ROYAL flower!
If there is one spice that could be considered the most in-demand and highly sought-after
with benefits that no other spice can match – It's Saffron!
What makes this flower the
world’s most expensive spice is because the spice harvested from each flower is so little - not more than 3 stigmas, which means that it requires more than 170,000 flowers to harvest 1 pound of the spice! In fact, Saffron is even more expensive than gold!
What’s even more interesting is the fact that Saffron has always been so popular and so high in demand, so much so that back in the year 1350, a war erupted in Europe when a 800 lbs. shipment of Saffron valued today at more than $500,000 GBP was hijacked and stolen, in what is popularly known as the 'Saffron War'. This war is said to have lasted for more than 14 weeks!
If people can fight over Saffron for more than 100 days at a stretch, you can only imagine how rich and beneficial this spice really is!
But what makes Saffron an even more
desirable ingredient is because of what
Ayurveda found 5,000 years ago!
Saffron is as old as time itself. Described as ‘Kesar’ in Ayurveda, the earliest mentions of Saffron in skincare date back to Vedic times (3,500 years ago) and are found extensively written about in ancient Ayurvedic texts such as ‘Charaka Samhita’ and 'Bhaishajya Ratnavalli'.
The earliest practitioners of Ayurveda, Charaka and Sushruta, describe Saffron as being a
miracle-worker in
recovering the appearance of
dull, glow-less, patchy skin. This spice has been tested by time for centuries and has proven its boon in livening up dullness, spots and blemishes, and offering enhanced complexion, texture and tone – all while lending a youthful exuberance to the skin!
The benefits of Saffron for skin are so unique and effective that it it is said
Cleopatra used to
bathe in Saffron milk every time before seeing a suitor!
And as it happens, after centuries of usage, Saffron is hailed as the
most exquisite and
sought-after spice even today. More so when it comes to Ayurvedic skincare!
But even with the
extensive usage of Saffron in skincare, making it the
most sought-after spice in the entire history of humankind, there are
4 UNKNOWN FACTS about Saffron that Ayurveda uncovered centuries ago...
...Which are being revealed here, now!
Once a prized possession of royals, Saffron is known in Ayurveda for the wellness of your
body, mind and skin through just a few strands of it!
However, no other beauty companies or blog articles know about or will tell you about Saffron's immaculate and unusual combination of advantages it has for the skin, that have been found in Ayurveda more than 5,000 years ago, especially this TRIO OF BENEFITS:
1. Bioavailability Enhancer or ‘Yogavahi’:
Ayurveda reveres Saffron as a ‘Catalyst’ that
accelerates the properties of other ingredients along with itself. This means that the thin strands of Saffron have the power to
enhance the effectiveness of any skincare formulation it is added to, but without altering the constitution of the formulation.
Being a ‘Yogavahi’, Saffron makes any skincare
doubly potent.
2. Balancer of all 3 Doshas or ‘Doshatrayahara’
If you’re not familiar with the 3 Doshas in Ayurveda, they’re the bio-elements in Ayurveda that make up a person’s composition.
Kapha Dosha - consists of the elements of earth and water and is associated with
oiliness, juiciness, heaviness. Kapha is the first stage of life – just think of a baby’s juicy and plump skin and the expression “baby soft skin”.
Pitta Dosha - consists of the elements of fire and water and is associated with
heat, sharpness, and determination. Pitta is the second or middle stage of life – just think of a teenager’s
acne and hot temper, or a young adult’s drive and ambition.
Vata Dosha - consists of the elements of air and space and is associated with
dryness, lightness, alertness and creativity. In the Vata stage of life, we experience
dry, rough, dull and wrinkled skin that's missing an almost natural glow. We may feel cold more often, but also reach maturity, wisdom, grace and mastery.
When it comes to Ayurvedic skincare,
herbs and spices with properties contradicting or balancing the Dosha aggravation are used to mitigate skin concerns.
And can you believe that Saffron is
one of the very rare ingredients that has the ability to
balance and pacify ALL the 3 Doshas with equal and proven efficiency?!
This balance between all Doshas is what is referred to in Ayurveda as the
ideal state of the body and skin. It is believed to be tied to a concept of
connectedness that extends far beyond the individual, reaching universal, almost with a sense of spiritual belongingness!
3. Rejuvenator or ‘Rasayana’:
‘Rasayanas’ or ‘Rejuvenators’ are elements which guide you on the path to wellness. One such herb that possesses the qualities to enhance ‘ojas’ and ‘tejas’ or the life essence in every human is Saffron.
Strength and energy are qualities that are commonly associated with the body, muscles and joints but not the skin. Contrary to popular belief, skin is as much a living organism as any of us, and requires rejuvenation and revitalization every step of the way, especially when you transition from one Dosha phase to the other.
This is the reason why Saffron is an important ingredient in Ayurvedic skincare both internally as part of Ayurvedic herbal drinks or ‘Kashaya’ and externally as part of
tried and tested Ayurvedic skincare!
Keep reading to find the 4th thing about Saffron that no other skincare companies know about!
According to Modern Western Science, only very few such ancient natural ingredients have been in use so extensively and have come close to what Saffron can do for the skin!
Saffron contains
more than 150 carotenoid compounds in its dried stigma, among them being
crocin, crocetin, safranal and picrocrocin which are the
most important bioactive constituents of saffron. These carotenoids, especially crocin, form
apocarotenoids help to reduce the look of
premature aging signs. Crocin and Crocetin are also known for being beneficial to reducing the look of
photodamage-induced aging signs and impart
That’s not all that Saffron is rich in. Saffron also comes packed with
Vitamin B or Folates. Its
high vitamin content is to be thanked for its ability to
reduce the look of pesky pigments and
spots on the skin!
While the list of wonders that Saffron holds within its tiny tendrils are huge, here are some more benefits that come with a healthy session of massaging your face, especially when you combine it with a Saffron-rich skincare:
In short, Saffron is a
multifaceted powerhouse that literally brightens your appearance, enhances overall complexion and enlivens your skin for the perfect ROYAL GLOW!
In case you are thinking of trying Saffron as part of a quick home remedy, here are a list of tips:
For enhancing radiance:
Mix one teaspoon of sandalwood powder with two to three strands of saffron, and two spoons of milk. Wash and wipe your face with a cloth before applying this face mask. Keep applying until your face and neck region is covered in a thin coat. Ensure to follow a circular massaging motion while applying. Rinse off with cool water just when it starts to dry.
For improved skin tone and complexion:
Soak a few strands of saffron in milk for 2 hours. Smear this milk all over your face and neck. Wash off after a few minutes. To get the best results, use it regularly.
For skin that appears clear and blemish-free:
Mix 5-6 holy basil (tulsi) leaves with 10-12 strands of saffron to make a fine paste. Apply this on the face. Wash off with cold water after 10 to 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can also apply saffron soaked milk on your face, like explained above, twice a day to help clear the look of blemishes.
But before you go searching your nearest grocery store’s aisle looking for Saffron strands that are going to cost you more than you think, hear this out -
Should you just buy a heap of gold-priced Saffron to give your skin all the benefits that we just talked about?
Instead, Ayurveda says that the one and only way that Saffron can reach its full potential for skin is through a carefully concocted formulation specifically meant for
your skin and its
needs, and one that also fits
Now that you know about Saffron and its revered place in Ayurveda,
wouldn’t you want something for your dry, dull and patchy skin that is also
authentically Ayurvedic and highly potent as the Ayurvedic spice itself?
And here’s the 4th and the most unique thing about Saffron
that no beauty company talks about, that no article covers, and certainly is still
not revealed truthfully and authentically in the West!
Centuries ago, the earliest practitioners of Ayurveda concocted a solution, which is by far the most POWERFUL Ayurvedic skincare ever known to mankind, with Saffron as the central ingredient, along with 20 other Ayurvedic ingredients.
It is not just any Saffron-face oil, but a traditional beauty elixir derived from a 5,000-year-old ancient glow recipe originally formulated by Ayurvedic Scientists and carefully reproduced by our Ayurvedic experts using the same traditional intense procedures, and the same exact proportion of Saffron that was tried, tested and proven to be used on the face most efficaciously, centuries ago!
Formulated by Ayurvedic Experts
An authentic Ayurvedic Face Oil by The Ayurveda Experience
made using 5,000-year-old Ayurvedic procedures and techniques, along with 21 Ayurvedic ingredients known for brightening and livening up Dull, Uneven Skin Tone, and giving a natural, envious glow!
Enriched with the brightening, dullness-removing and glow-boosting benefits of the
‘Royal Spice’ Saffron, the clarifying effects of
Turmeric, complexion enhancing abilities of
Manjistha or Indian Madder, soothing
Large Leaf Beautyberry and the
all-rounder Rose and much more, this lightweight and gentle yet uber-effective Face Oil has been proven by the test of time and has risen to the position of the
‘Queen of Face Oils’ in Ayurveda!
This delicate Face Oil is all you need to achieve that blushing-glow, clarify skin, brighten the appearance of dull and worn-down skin (be that because of age or because of external factors like pollution and stress).
"Best skin care ever !”
“I've been using these oils for about a year now and I can vouch for the
premium quality and the
excellent results I've got!
My skin was absolutely lifeless, dry... and dull. I tried almost all the big expensive brands in the market only to get disappointed. Then I came across The Ayurveda Experience, the name itself gave me a lot of confidence, it's been a year I've been using only these oils, and I can say I'm completely hooked on for life !! A little goes a long way. Keeps the skin soft and supple...-absolutely natural - what else can one ask for - it's magic !!”
- Smita S.
Skin type: Dry
Skin concern: Dryness, dullness
Age: 40
"This oil gave me my dream skin!”
“You know how people always want what they don’t have, well all of my life I have dreamed of having shiny, clear, flawless skin! In my younger years I had acne that left scars. My whole life I have had to wear a lot of make up to cover them. I also had uneven skin tone and enlarged pores. I had tried everything...These oils from Ayurveda were God sent. They changed my life and I am so forever grateful to who ever invented this stuff! Ayurveda oils did more for me than any cosmetic surgery I have ever had. I have spend thousands on my face and this simple day and night oils from Ayurveda did more for me for a fraction of the price!”
- Lynn L.
Skin type: Oily
Skin concern: Acne scars, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone
Age: 61
"Full of
high quality ingredients. So much better than any other product I've used. My skin is
brighter and clearer”
- Rebecca R.
Skin type: Combination
Skin concern: Aging
Age: 64
"Amazing stuff!!!"
“I have been using the Kesaradi Oil for over six months now.
My skin (I am 69) is looking the best ever! My dermatologist commented on how great my skin looked (he thought I was still using the expensive products that I was buying from him). When I told him thank you very much I am using Kesaradi oil and showed it to him, he was rather speechless. I am saving hundreds of dollars bc I no longer use all the skin care products from there. ... I rarely even use makeup anymore. … I highly recommend this product and will use it forever! THE BEST!!!!”
- Patricia R.
Skin type: Dry
Skin concern: Wrinkles- old age
Age: 69
“I absolutely love this oil. I’ve always had sensitive skin and reactions to many products. I will never go without this oil. It leaves your skin moisturised and
glowing. So happy I found this company!”
- Megan R.
Skin type: Sensitive
Skin concern: Sensitive/anti-aging
Age: 33
"My favorite"
“I have been using this product for several years now, buy it regularly as soon as it runs out. this is my favorite. I like its
soft, balanced action. Most of all, it
evens out [the look of] skin tone and texture. Very good effect on
problem areas: under the eyes, neck and décolleté. This tool, which is always with me both at home and on travels, has never failed me! Thanks!
- Anna I.
Skin type: Combination
Skin concern: Age changes
Age: 47
The Most Trusted and Recognized House of Brands that provides centuries’ old authentic Ayurvedic solutions to 600,000+ happy customers spread across 4 continents in 150+ countries.
iYURA products are 100% natural.
Safety and efficacy lie at the core of The Ayurveda Experience
Take advantage of this Glow-boosting face oil made with time tested Ayurvedic ingredients that have proven to work over thousands of years.
More than 240,603 customers have loved this face oil and have given it an average rating of 4.8 stars.
Saffron forms the key ingredient in this ancient skincare recipe for Kesaradi Glow Oil, cooked using a time-consuming and intensive Ayurvedic process, and serves 3 important purposes, written about extensively in classical Ayurvedic texts.
Beauty-Boosting or ‘Kantida’:
The essential nutrients and efficacious minerals in Saffron lend Kesaradi the qualities to enhance the appeal of the skin. When combined with rare Ayurvedic ingredients like Largeleaf Beautyberry, Kesaradi helps
preserve the
youthful beauty of your skin and
raw energy within itself. The oil is
cooked with Saffron for so many days that all the goodness of this spice is ingrained in the oil, helping it naturally adorn the skin with a
glowing look, a smooth touch.
This is the ultimate reason why Kesaradi Oil gives your face a
glow of golden hue, right from the first few weeks of using it!
Brightness-Boosting or ‘Varnya':
The word ‘Varnya’ in Sanskrit means “luster and brightened skin tone”, which encompasses beauty in simple terms in Ayurveda!
As a
potent glow-enhancer,
Saffron along with brightening herbs such as
Licorice help obtain a glowing complexion, with an even clearer skin tone and
glassy texture.
In Kesaradi Oil, Saffron is used to create this exact look of
softened skin with a natural glow.
Purifiying or ‘Vrana Shodhana’:
Thanks to the
high vitamin content in Saffron, it helps provide a
gentle cleansing or exfoliating effect.
This property gives you a
clear, seemingly pore-less appearance with a smooth look that even makes light bounce off your skin!
Saffron in Kesaradi’s formulation along with the
potent Manjistha or
Indian Madder gives you precisely this gentle support while being
extra-clarifying with its potent concentrate in a light textured formulation.
iYURA Kesaradi Oil is a
polyherbal leave-on oil which always works the best (when compared to Saffron in cleansers, toners or face packs) because it
allows the essence of this redeeming ‘Red Gold’ herb to stay on your skin for longer periods.
This promotes the ongoing
skin enhancement process, giving it ample time to work on your skin and reflect the results, especially when used in the morning.
Sesame Seed Oil [Sesamum Indicum], Cow milk, Indian Madder [Rubia Cordifolia], Essential Oil of Rose [Rosa Damascena], Saffron [Crocus Sativus], Turmeric [Curcuma Longa], Lotus [Nelumbo Nucifera], Indian Rose Chestnut [Mesua Ferra], Wild Himalayan Cherry [Prunus Cerasoides], Symplocos Tree [Symplocos Racemosa], Nut Grass [Cyperus Rotundus], Vetiver Grass [Vetiveria Zizanioides], Licorice [Glycyrrhiza Glabra], Indian Bay-Leaf [Cinnamomum Tamala], Indian Elecampane [Inula Racemosa], Indian Barberry [Berberis Aristata], Flame of the Forest [Butea Monosperma], Large Leaf Beautyberry [Callicarpa Macrophylla], Black Mustard [Brassica Nigra], Sweet Flag [Acorus Calamus], Indian Banyan [Ficus Benghalensis].
You might wonder how can iYURA’s Kesaradi Saffron-rich oil give you all the benefits of Saffron, at only a fraction of the price at which Saffron is sold.
Well, that’s because, as an authentic Ayurvedic skincare brand focused solely on bringing the best and most genuine Ayurveda to the West, iYURA believes in
accessible skincare.
ancient yet still relevant wisdom of Ayurveda, be that skincare or any other spheres of life, is
too valuable to be overlooked under the tag of heavy dollar bills.
The science of Ayurveda is all about exploring and discovering the wonders of Mother Nature, and we believe that it should not come at an unaffordable price!
Which is why we take the pains to create
beautiful, efficacious skincare that gives you a glimpse of all that Ayurveda has to offer through its wide range of herbs –
all at an affordable price!
We’re on a journey to make Ayurveda
more and more attainable to everyone in the West, and
affordable yet efficacious formulations are one way of doing it.
Moreover, as part of our brand thesis, iYURA products are 20% less costly than the average bestselling face oils!
We did some research and found some Saffron oils available in Europe
Product A: £ 45 for 30ml
Product B: £ 60 for 30ml
Product C: £ 82 for 30ml
Product D: £ 135 for 30ml
On the other hand, there’s
iYURA’s Kesaradi which is only £ 33.00 for 30ml – almost the same as lunch for two at your favorite restaurant.
At only £33, you're getting the best version of world's most costliest spice, Saffron, along with 20 other Ayurvedic ingredients that you will not easily find in the West. And then, can you even put a price on the Ayurvedic authenticity we provide by making use of the 5,000 year old method of preparation of Kesaradi?!
Saffron-power in Kesaradi is
so high that you don’t need more than
3 tiny drops at a time to moisturise, which means that one £33 bottle of Kesaradi is going to
last you anywhere between 3 to 6 months!
Would you want to waste your hard-earned money on something that may or may not work?
Or would you want to INVEST, yes invest, your money in something
derived straight out of nature, and formulated with extreme precision using procedures and techniques that have proven their efficacy for
more than 5,000 years?
Oh, and did we tell you that you also get FREE Shipping for this product?
Zero charges for delivery at your doorstep!
”Excellent product”
“The Kesaradi face oil is brilliant. I know you’ve probably read hundreds of positive reviews for other skincare products and been disappointed. But seriously, this is the BEST skin product I have ever used. I have dry skin and...and it has cleared it up. I have spent a fortune on skincare in the past and it’s never lived up to the promises.
The price point for this product is fantastic. Customer service is excellent. I am buying this for my friends for Christmas!”
Vanessa L.
Skin type: Dry
Skin concern: Aging Skin
Age: 52
"Best skin care ever !”
“Another wonderful product from Ayurveda. ...
Well worth the price.”
-Susan C.
”Kesaradi oil for my face”
“I’m 68 and I just love how my face is looking over the past few weeks! Fine lines are starting to look diminished and the oil leaves my face glowing. No need for makeup except for some mascara. I’m definitely sold on this product...
Reasonable price and free shipping. Doesn’t get much better than that. 😊”
Ramona S.
Skin type: Dry
Skin concern: Wrinkles and Fine Lines from aging
Age: 68
Worried you won’t like it as much as they do? 👆🏻
With our
100% Satisfaction and 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee, you will not have to think twice about getting Kesaradi today.
If you’re not satisfied with our products, you can write back to us within 30 days and get a
FULL refund. No questions asked.
No need to even return the bottle!
That’s how confident we are of our formulations!